Filipos Halikias
Filipos Halikias


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)


Filipos Halikias

Filipos was completing his Nursing clinical in geriatric and rehabilitative care when he was inspired to begin to take care of his body for the long haul. He was introduced to CrossFit by Joey Dill and his first workout was “Murph” on Thanksgiving Day 2011. After only being able to complete a 1/4 of “Murph” in 45 minutes, he knew that this was his ticket to a life of fitness and wellness.

Filipos was the proud owner and operator of a CrossFit affiliate in Langhorne for 5 years. "But life has a funny way of bringing you home sometimes. Being a part of the ESCF community has reignited my passion for coaching people who want to do right for themselves. I see energy as cyclical. I will give you my all, as a coach, to help you bring out your best."